What a slacker. In my defense, the last 6 months have been a little busy... Started first real job July 1st, got engaged July 2nd, married October 6th, first Christmas as a stepmother, took my neonatology boards, and *poof* here I am. There is no next thing, no more steps to finish.
For as long as I can remember I've been waiting for the next step. Finish SATs, finish high school, MCATs, college, med school, step 1+2 boards, internship, step 3 boards, residency, pediatric boards, fellowship, neonatology boards. I'm no longer waiting to finish anything. I guess it's time to start my life.
It makes things finally feel real to be finished with all of those milestones, and the more I think about the more proud, and less adrift I feel (assuming I passed those miserable neonatology boards, we'll see...). It also makes me feel a little more pressure to be better at life. I'll be 34 next month and I feel like a student still on most days. While I'm actually doing my job, I feel like a grown up doctor; but even at lunch I feel like the kid at the table. It may be partly because my boss was one of my mentors when I was a resident. He was with me the first time I did a lumbar puncture on a newborn, and I can still hear his supportive voice giving pointers. I guess he and I will have to get used to our new roles as colleagues.
Anyway, time to rally the troops for a jam-packed Saturday--morning hike for the people, dogs to swimming in afternoon, and dinner with a great friend tonight. Oh, and I'll try to post more like weekly, instead of semiannually...